Spectra Group (UK) Ltd Supports Team Ethos & Team Army.
As a company that is going for the Gold level of the Defence Employer Recognition Scheme, employing many ex-service personnel, Spectra Group is intent on supporting organisations that help both current and ex-service personnel to promote excellence and also recuperation and rehabilitation.
So it is for that reason that when we found out about Team Army, we were keen to get on board and lend our support.
The Team Army & Team Ethos brands were launched to conduct fundraising and attract sponsorship with the aim of promoting and sustaining forces sport, and to ensure its future success.
Since its launch in January 2011, Team Ethos has raised over £7m for nearly 80 service sports associations, many of whom have never before enjoyed private sector funding.
Team Ethos set out to return to those that have put so much on the line for the nation by:
- making Team Army/Team Ethos a household name and generating much, more support …
- collectively showing our nation’s gratitude and encouraging support in a tangible way for our forces – facilitating sport means so much to so many of our serving men and women today.
- encouraging companies and members of the public to support this worthy cause.
Spectra is proud to be in a position to give back and looks forward to our continued support for Team Ethos/Team Army.